Am I still relevant in this fast-changing digital age?

  • 2019-02-14 11:25:00
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Many leaders ask themselves this question. For me, the answer is simple.

When you’re ready to learn new skills and adopt new habits, you will remain relevant. If you don’t, you will probably not be able to adapt yourself to our changing world. Whether you stay relevant or not is therefore in your hands—and no one else’s.

And don’t worry—it’s okay if you’re not a tech whiz. Ironically, our “human” skills are becoming more and more important with digitalization. Many processes will be automated, of course, and the human touch in the customer’s experience will become scarcer. But scarcity means increased value.

Just look at banking, for instance. I really appreciate having a great app for my basic banking transactions. I don’t want to waste time and go to the bank for that. But if I’m going to make a big investment or take out a significant loan, I sure want a real human being to discuss this with, a person that understands my needs and can give me the best advice and reassure me. The organizations that will become good at automating and at developing their human side will probably capture the most value.

Adopt a beginner’s mind

I personally don’t believe that the total number of jobs will disappear, either; they will just change. Years ago, the majority of jobs were manual. With industrialization, many of those jobs disappeared, but many others were created as well. The same is happening today. With the digitalization of my previous organization, many jobs disappeared, but many more were created. The people ready to learn new skills and to adopt new habits didn’t lose their job—they just learned a new one.

But learning new skills and habits is not always easy and means adopting a beginner’s mind:

  • Accepting that you don’t know something (yet)
  • Accepting that you are not good at something (yet)
  • Accepting that you will most probably fail at something first because you are not good at it (yet)
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone
  • STOPPING and taking the time to learn

Our current culture might stand in the way

Some call this adopting a “growth” mindset. The problem is that our current culture doesn’t always facilitate this. Admitting you don’t know something can be viewed as a weakness, making mistakes is difficult to accept, and stopping instead of working harder can be very uncomfortable, especially with our big to-do lists …

I also believe that our school system should radically change. It is currently creating more “fixed” mindsets than “growth” mindsets.

So how ready are you to adopt a beginner’s mind?


Do you want to stop being overwhelmed and get your life back?

I used to be stressed and overwhelmed too and almost burned out before realizing I had to change some of my habits. Today, I work much less than I used to while being even more successful and I want that for you as well. I have developed a 5-day challenge with Solvay Brussels School: "From overwhelmed to focused QiLeader" that you can get for free. For five days, you'll receive one video and one challenge. It will uncover a system that will get you out of your busy stressful life and into more impact and peace of mind.


How can you get free access?

First, you download a free guide "How can I save time at work". You'll receive this free guide and a personal link. Then, you share your link with colleagues and friends. It will allow them to get the free guide as well. When five friends register to the free guide as well, you get access to the 5-day challenge. And you help me build a community of leaders that I can serve.

In summary:

What's the catch? There is no catch but I explain why everything is for free in this video where I pour my heart