
I lost myself because of my financial security fear... but found my way back.

I've lost myself lately because of my financial security fear. And I wanted to apologize and share my story with you. 🦋 It's only when I manage to let go of the shield that protects me, when I allow myself to be vulnerable, when I don't care about what others think and when I don't try to be perfect that I attract great things. I lost myself in the mechanics and became the good student again but I found my way back.

Why do you need a holistic approach to transformation?

Most companies are transforming for the digital times and according to McKinsey 70% of the transformation fail. I believe it's often because the CEO's don't take into account all the aspects of a transformation. The strategy might be great but implementing it is another story.

Don't make decisions when you feel bad :-)

Many decisions in organizations are based on fear. Something doesn't happen as planned and a leader can react emotionally instead of rationally. That leads to an unsafe environment or bad decisions that undermine a successful transformation.

Why business analysts play a crucial role in your transformation

The switch toward working agile can be challenging for business analysts: discussions about quality, the need to deliver great requirements in a short time, the communication with everyone,…  The business analysts play a crucial role...

Why I stopped the mandatory yearly reviews

During the digital transformation of my organization, I decided to stop the mandatory yearly reviews. Discover in this video why I believe you should stop those too and how I replaced them.