
How do you motivate employees to learn new skills?

With the digitalization, employees need to learn new skills. Not once or twice but on a regular basis. But how do you motivate people to learn when they are so busy or sometimes lack motivation? Many organizations make one big mistake there!

Hiring extra people isn't always the answer to overwhelm in digital times!

Find out in this short video why hiring extra people isn't always the best answer to overwhelm in digital times!

Are you still using the business techniques of slow times to reinvent your organization?

Why do we need new business techniques to reinvent our organizations? Watch my video.

Thierry Geerts, the CEO of Google, shares his view on new leadership habits

Watch my interview with Thierry Geerts, CEO of Google Belgium and Luxembourg, about his view on new leadership habits.

What are the new leadership habits according to Dominique Leroy, the CEO of Proximus?

In this week's blog, Dominique Leroy, the CEO of Proximus, shares her view on new leadership habits