
How did I break the silos?

Are you tired of waiting for another department to change something so that you can reach your objectives? I faced silo thinking in my previous organization. In this week’s article, you’ll learn why we faced it and how we broke those silos and reached amazing results.

Chaorder – A delicate balance between agility and stability

Stability, order and structure were very important qualities in the past for organizations. Today, we often hear that we need flexibility and agility. Which is it? Discover my answer in this week’s blog.

Want success in digital times? Become more human again

What if you could work in a very human organization where people really care about each other and about their customers? This could be the key to becoming successful in digital times. Find out why in this week’s blog.

Can we change an organization from the bottom up?

I often get this question from leaders: “Can I change the organization if my management team doesn’t change? In this article, I share my view on this great question.

Why are so many people not feeling valued today?

Why so many people don’t feel recognized anymore and what can you do to get (or give) more recognition?